Hello Friends!
This is my first ever blog post! Blogging is something I've always thought would be a fun and challenging way to further develop my writing skills and style. I decided to call my blog "Courage Up" because I feel like that is what I'm doing with this new venture; I'm "couraging up." Within this blog I plan to post about the things that interest me and consume my time. That means I will be posting about family, marriage, prayer, raising kids, teaching, cooking, fashion, and anything else that comes to mind!
A bit about me:
I am currently a Reading and English teacher for a small town middle school in Wyoming! This brings me to my "Courage Up" part. I ask my students to write and go out on a limb all the time, to take risks! However, I wasn't practicing what I was preaching! This is my way of taking a risk and going out on a limb as well. My goal with this blog is to grow everyday in what I learn and take away with me.
I just turned 30 so I am officially old ha ha. I'm just kidding, I still feel very young. I'm still carded when I buy a glass of wine so that should definitely count for something.
The most important part about me? I have two beautiful boys, ages 6 and 4. They are my life and my light, my reason for everything I do. I am also married to my high school sweetheart. To date we've been together for 14 years and married for 8 years. My husband is my partner through life, the first person I think of when I wake up and 1000 more times again throughout the day. He is my accomplice in life's adventures and I don't think I'll ever get enough of the experiences we share.
My prayer life is always growing, and I would like for my relationship with God to continue to develop, become more meaningful, and more a part of my life. I will post thoughts on how I am trying to accomplish the feat of living a Godly life and keeping my faith a positive part of my everyday goings-on. As this is something I struggle with I hope this blog can make me more cognizant of my goals.
As for cooking and fashion: they are two of my favorite hobbies! I love to try out new recipes in my never-ending search for foods that my very picky 6 year-old will actually eat! I also love fashion and shopping (my poor husband) and I've recently discovered subscription boxes (again, my poor husband). I recently posted a picture of myself on Facebook showing off one of the outfits I received from Stitch Fix, one of my absolutely favorite new discoveries. I realized how much I loved the feedback my sweet, amazing, and downright lovable friends and family gave me. So, in that spirit, I've decided to post my reviews on here as well so that perfectly sweet, amazing, and downright lovable strangers can give me feedback as well.
I plan to post about anything and everything that interests me. A new hobby I'd like to learn more about? Photography. Stay tuned to see if that pans out! I live in my one of the most beautiful places around, so Photography is just a natural step that I'd love to take and something I've always been interested in. So, feel free to stick around, please ignore my craziness, it's not polite to point! Stay awhile and check out any new posts I write in the process of formalizing my ramblings.
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